PIC Programming
The PICKIT has evolved through a number of iterations over the years and is currently available as the PICKIT-5. The basic format has not changed and it consists of a 6-PIN header that supports ICSP programming, which is connected to the PCB. The host PC connects to the PICKIT using a USB cable, and the whole setup uses the MPLab suite to connect to and use the programmer.
The PICKIT 2 and PICKIT 3 utilize a standalone application. However, all of the PICKIts will work in conjunction with the MPLAB IPE. Ensure that you have the latest version of the MPLAB IPE installed.

All of the PICKITs use the same 6 PIN header to connect to the target PCB as illustrated below. The arrow is located at PIN 1 and is used to orientate the programmer. If implementing the interface on your custom application, the circuit diagram below should be used to implement the connection between the programmer and the device.

When prototyping, the interface can be wired using a breadboard. Ensure to use shorted cables, and in some instances, the PIC may need external power if the USB connection through the PICKIT delivers insufficient power. The same configuration applies to all PIC variants and is demonstrated in the diagram below.

You may be able to obtain older PIKCIT2 or 3s, however, the PICKIT 4 has been available for some time and is currently being replaced by the new variant the PICKIT 5.
Microchip has released the software and circuit for the PICKIT 2 which makes it possible to build a copy of the unit.
The PICKIT programmer is a versatile programmer that supports the full range of devices from Microchip as this is their proprietary platform for programming their product range.