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There are a number of paid and free-to-use compilers out there. Our preference is the MikroC compiler. The company of origin, MikroE has various compiler choices for different devices and brands of microcontrollers. They support a choice in languages C, Basic or Pascal.

Please view the MikroE for any further details.

MikroC IDE

The MikroC compiler shown below is our preferred environment for writing code for PIC devices. The compiler includes sample code, an Wizard which is used to create your project, and finally an extensive help system along with a user forum for when assistance is needed. Any code samples provided, unless otherwise indicated will be for the MikroC environment.

MikroC IDE
MikroC IDE


A 2K word demo limit is imposed at compile time for an unlicensed version, and this allows for the creation of a number of working applications. However, when building anything larger than that, a license will need to be purchased.

The following licensing options are available:

  • Code License
  • USB Dongle License

Although the USB license is slightly more expensive, it enables the application to be run on any machine at any time as the USB Key is the license key.
