Knowledge Base
Your Tool Box
Programming the Device



Lead In

In the days before the PIC KIT Programmer๏ปฟ there was the hobbyist programmer. This was a PCB supporting some of the PICs available and a 3rd party Embedded Engineer or company had done the work for you of creating the programming hardware and software application needed to program a device.

With the advent of bootloading, a PIC user did not need a programmer provided their device came pre-supplied with a bootloader. This is available from MiKroElektronika and integrates directly with the IDE.

If you bought this product and the device is no longer what you needed, you may have noticed the MIKROPROG header on the board in the lower right corner. Once you have decided on your new device you would have two options.

  • Program the device using the MIkroProg programmer
  • Program the device with a bootloader and then upload code updates using the USB port.
PIC Ready - PIC18F45K22
PIC Ready - PIC18F45K22


The MikroProg programmer has an IDC Header that enables it to interface with the PCB and remain connected. This is a neat way to develop your code iteratively; as you make changes you update the code on the device.

The MikroProg for PIC programmer supports 8BIT, 16BIT, and 32 BIT devices from Microchip so it is by far a value-for-money investment.


Both the Radix - DUO and the Radix SEPIA support the MIKROPROG header. This support enables you to program your device using a RADIX product.


Radix - DUO
Radix - DUO


Radix - SEPIA
Radix - SEPIA

Opening MikroProg

Once you have obtained a MikroProg, and connected it to your desktop or laptop the device is accessed from the main menu of MikroC. If your programmer is not connected it will warn you, but the UI will still open.

MikroProg installs as part of the MIkroC installation but is an optional install. If it was not installed as part of the initial installation, you will need to install it separately.

Step 1 : Tools >mE Programmer

mE Programmer
mE Programmer

Step 2: MikroProg Suite

The mikroProg suite opens with the configuration of your project included in the programming settings.

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