PIC16F18877 Device Family
The PIC16F18877 is recommended as a device replacement for the following device families.
- PIC16F877A
- PIC16F887
In the context of the two device families above, they include devices in both 28 PIN and 40 PIN | 44 TQFP devices. The PIC16F18877 device family offers options in a wider range of device package options. This makes the project's base code more extensible because a single code base can be deployed to a range of different devices.
You can view more information on this family using the following link: PIC16F18877 Family
PIC16F18877 Family Sell Sheet
In the table below, the entire family of devices is listed from the 8 PIN devices to the 40/44 PIN TQFP variant. This offers a range of options from which to choose and leverages the features available in one family across a range of PIN count options.

Our PIC development PCBs support the entire range of devices.
Buy your development for the PIC16F188xx family from our e-commerce site. https://haventechstore.company.site/